
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Summer: A Plan of Attack

Summer break will soon be upon us.
Sooner then any parent would like to think or even believe!
I feel that a little structure makes for a much more enjoyable and fun summer break.
In fact, structure might be too rigid a word for some -- lets say a plan of attack.

I want my boys to have a fun summer that isn't full of playing video games or watching tv.
However, I still want them to be engaged and to have a little bit of education oportunities to stimulate their brain so that they are ready for the next school year, come fall.

I did a whole post on my summer routine for a friend of mine last fall, if you want to read more, you can visit my home blog at the Peterson Party Page. There I break down what I did every day with my boys during the summer. Including a morning devotional (of sorts) and the workbooks I used.

Below is the books that we will be using this summer.
Summer Bridge books are amazing (and I've actually been surprised that the boys teachers' haven't heard of them).
You can purchase them at almost any bookstore or educational supply store and even online from the publisher itself.

The worksheets take very little time (so the kids aren't dreading doing some school work every morning of summer break) and they are one sheet front & back of spelling, math skills, reading, fitness....the creators did a spectacular job with these books.

I am taking it one step further this summer.
Now, you might be thinking that I'm a little too organized for your taste if I already have my schedule ready for the summer.
The reason that I am, is because I know that if I don't begin planning and organizing my summer now, I won't get it done and then I'll listen to "I'm bored" all afternoon, every afternoon. And I'll kick myself for not being more prepared for the summer.

So I won't mentally kick myself I have done a little scrounging on Pinterest and other websites to create a daily schedule of an extra thing to do each day -- mostly during #3's naptime (at least the "at-home" activities are.).
I've planned a different day for a different activity: games, science, crafts, cooking, library & or field trip.
I've also included the website I found the activity on so that I didn't have to write out all the instructions (if they were long), or where I needed to reserve something.

If you would like to create your own, I found the template in Word, in the template menu under "planners" and just inserted everything you see here.

If you would like a copy of your own in PDF format, click HERE.
If you would like a copy of your own in Word format, click HERE.

(fyi: this document is only for the 1st five weeks of the summer, if you want all my summer activy scheduling, contact me and I will send it to you)

The most important thing for a active, fun summer is flexibility.
I will also be making room in our schedule for musical theater camp for #2,
swimming lessons for #1 & #2,
and some camping fun.
Have a fun summer and make some great memories with your kids!

1 comment:

  1. You are AMAZING! I've been working out of the Summer Bridge Activities books with my little man, but you've given me SO MANY additional ideas for the summer. You truelly are a super woman, and an even cooler mom. Awesome post! Thanks!!
