
Thursday, January 26, 2012

14 Days of Valentines

14 Days of Valentines
Every year for the last three years I do what we have come to call, "The 14 Days of Valentines". Each day from February 1 to February 14 I create a reason I love my husband of 8 years (I know, we're still newbies!).

I got this idea while living in Holladay, Utah where fourteen neighborhood women would get together for a Pre-Valentines Day Party. Each party-goer made fourteen identical valentines to share with the other party-goers. We each took a turn explaining what we made and why we made it, and then had a good laugh enjoying one another's creativity.

I have since moved and although many of my new neighbors aren't interested in doing a Pre- Valentines Day Party with a Valentine Exchange, that doesn't mean my husband has to go without, right?

Hopefully my husband doesn't read today's post because I am sharing with you my 14 Days of Valentines that it may give you a few ideas for you to shower your special someone(s) with a creative I Love You.

Now, all you have to do is go buy the goodies and secretly lay them about the house, car, backpack, lunch sack, office, whatever! for your special someone to find.

Also don't forget to check out these other great posts by Crafty Betties Joana and Tamie.

York Peppermint: We’re Mint to be!  
Army Toy: Love is a Battlefield

Rolos or Lifesavers wrapped in red paper: You’re the Bomb

Hand Shovel with Candy: I dig you!

Paper Airplane: You make my heart soar

Flip Flops: You are the Flip to my Flop

Fav Brand of Peanut Butter: You are the Peanut to my Butter

Bouncing or Paddle Ball: You make my Heart Bounce

Fish Crackers: Will you o’fish’aly be my valentine?
Toy Car: I “Wheelie” Like You

Honey Bear: Bee Mine

Favorite Soda: You make my heart bubble

Candy Worms: You wormed your way into my heart

Fav Candy: You’re sweet

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